our history

our history

1991-1997: The beginnings

1991: A veterinary couple, Dr. János Benyeda and his wife Éva, founded our company, Prophyl Animal Health, Diagnostic Research and Services LLC.

Initial activities:

  • Production of embryonated hen eggs
  • Quality control testing of vaccines on poultry species
  • Production of viral antigens for vaccines and other biological raw materials
  • Opening of the veterinary pharmacy, distribution of veterinary medication and vaccines
  • Diagnostic laboratory activities and consultancy

During this period, the founders and their small number of employees laid the groundwork for long-term operations, parts of which are still fundamental to the company's activities today. This work provided the solid foundations for the growth and development that has taken place in the years since.

1991-1997: The beginnings

1991: egy állatorvos házaspár Dr. Benyeda János és felesége Éva megalapította cégünket a Prophyl Állategészségügyi, Diagnosztikai Kutató és Szolgáltató Kft-t.

Initial activities:

  • Production of embryonated hen eggs
  • Quality control testing of vaccines on poultry species
  • Production of viral antigens for vaccines and other biological raw materials
  • Opening of the veterinary pharmacy, distribution of veterinary medication and vaccines
  • Diagnostic laboratory activities and consultancy

During this period, the founders and their small number of employees laid the groundwork for long-term operations, parts of which are still fundamental to the company's activities today. This work provided the solid foundations for the growth and development that has taken place in the years since.

1998-2007: Focus on the launch and development of SPF (specific pathogen free) egg production

1998-2000: Renovation/conversion of the Sátorhely site to meet SPF conditions.

2000: Installing the first brood of hens at the SPF egg farm in Sátorhely.

SPF eggs are fertile eggs from a brood of laying hens that are free from all poultry pathogens as defined in the European Pharmacopoeia. This special egg, produced for medicinal purposes, is suitable for the production of vaccines against human viral diseases (e.g., rabies, influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, even Ebola). However, most live viral vaccines for poultry are also produced using SPF eggs. Read more: here

2007: The first broods are installed at the SPF egg farm in Olasz.

1998-2007: Focus on the launch and development of SPF (specific pathogen free) egg production

1998-2000: A sátorhelyi telephely SPF körülményeket szolgáló felújítása-átalakítása

2000: az első állomány betelepítése a sátorhelyi SPF tojástermelő telepre

Az SPF tojás egy olyan tojótyúk állománytól származó termékeny tojás, amely mentes az összes, Eu-i gyógyszerkönyv által meghatározott baromfi patogén kórokozótól. Ez a speciális, gyógyászati célra termelt tojás alkalmas humán vírusos betegségek elleni vakcinák (pld. veszettség, influenza, kullancs encephalitis, sőt ebola) előállítására. Ugyanakkor a legtöbb élő vírusos baromfi vakcina termelése is SPF tojások felhasználásával történik. Bővebben: here

2007: az első állomány betelepítése az olaszi SPF tojástermelő telepre.

2006-2016: Focus on developing our services for animal health research and development and vaccine production

2006: Our test facilities related to the research and development and registration of veterinary vaccines are moved to our specially renovated and converted site in Bár.

2007: The site is GLP-certified to carry out a specific range of tests

At the Bár site, we mainly carry out the animal phases of studies for the research and development and registration of veterinary vaccines. We also provide an increasing number of the services required for the preparation of test and registration documentation (CRDO). The site is GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) certified.

2009: The R&D site in Bár is complemented by a livestock unit in Dunaszekcső. This site too is GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) certified.

2011: Handover of Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) units at the R&D site in Bár.

In these units, uniquely in Central Europe, we can test pathogens with high pathogenicity in livestock species.

2006-2016: Focus on developing our services for animal health research and development and vaccine production

2006: az állatgyógyászati oltóanyagok kutatás-fejlesztéséhez és regisztrációjához kapcsolatos vizsgálatainkat a kifejezetten erre a célra felújított és átalakított bári telepünkre telepítettük

2007: a telephely bizonyos vizsgálatok végzésének körére megkapta a GLP minősítést

At the Bár site, we mainly carry out the animal phases of studies for the research and development and registration of veterinary vaccines. We also provide an increasing number of the services required for the preparation of test and registration documentation (CRDO). The site is GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) certified.

2009: bári K+F telephely kiegészül egy dunaszekcsői állattartó egységgel. A telephely GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) minősítéssel rendelkezik.

2011: 3-as biológiai biztonsági (BSL-3) besorolású egységek átadása a bári K+F telepen

In these units, uniquely in Central Europe, we can test pathogens with high pathogenicity in livestock species.

2014-2016: Development of the vaccine egg production sector

2016: We integrated the entire value chain, vaccine egg production, processing and pre-hatching, at our renovated plant in Bezedek. Most of the eggs produced here are delivered to vaccine producers in pre-hatched form.

2014-2016: Development of the vaccine egg production sector

2016: a felújított bezedeki telepünkön integráltuk a teljes értékláncot, a vakcinatojás termelést, feldolgozást és az előkeltetést. A megtermelt tojások nagy részét előkeltetett formában szállítjuk az oltóanyag termelőkhöz.

A 2017-2020: A period of further development of our activities and organisational restructuring

2017: Dr. Zsófia Benyeda took over the management of our company, working alongside an external company manager for two years and independently since December 2018.

2018: The handover of the vaccine production and veterinary diagnostic laboratory unit.

The investment, partly funded by a grant, resulted in the creation of a complex laboratory unit that includes a state-of-the-art animal health diagnostic unit with a dissecting room, several specialised laboratories, and a production laboratory for producing site-specific vaccines. The unit is located in the renovated building of a former agricultural school [Dr. József Marek Agricultural Secondary School], next to the company's headquarters. The laboratory is named Dr. József Marek Animal Health Laboratory in honour of the former school’s namesake, one of the world's most famous veterinary scientists.

2019: Dr. János Benyeda, one of the founders of our company, passed away after a prolonged illness.

Losing him also marked the end of an era: as the intellectual father of the company, he monitored our activities and supported our work as much as he could until his last day. He bequeathed a legacy of values, vision, and knowledge that we strive to preserve, to use for the development of the company and to pass on to future generations. 

2020: The first flock is brought to the SPF egg farm in Bóly.

The Bóly plant is the first unit we have built as a greenfield investment. It includes two barns and an egg processing unit, increasing our annual SPF egg output by 30-40%, depending on the production cycle.

2020: The veterinary diagnostic laboratory is GLP and ISO 17025 certified.

A 2017-2020: A period of further development of our activities and organisational restructuring

2017: dr. Szabóné dr. Benyeda Zsófia vette át a cégünk vezetését, két évig egy külsős cégvezető mellett, 2018. decemberétől pedig önállóan dolgozva.

2018: az oltóanyag termelő, és állategészségügyi diagnosztikai laboratóriumi egység átadása

The investment, partly funded by a grant, resulted in the creation of a complex laboratory unit that includes a state-of-the-art animal health diagnostic unit with a dissecting room, several specialised laboratories, and a production laboratory for producing site-specific vaccines. The unit is located in the renovated building of a former agricultural school [Dr. József Marek Agricultural Secondary School], next to the company's headquarters. The laboratory is named Dr. József Marek Animal Health Laboratory in honour of the former school’s namesake, one of the world's most famous veterinary scientists.

2019: hosszú időn át tartó betegséget követően elhunyt Dr. Benyeda János, cégünk egyik alapítója.

Losing him also marked the end of an era: as the intellectual father of the company, he monitored our activities and supported our work as much as he could until his last day. He bequeathed a legacy of values, vision, and knowledge that we strive to preserve, to use for the development of the company and to pass on to future generations. 

2020: az első állomány betelepítése a bólyi SPF tojástermelő telepre

The Bóly plant is the first unit we have built as a greenfield investment. It includes two barns and an egg processing unit, increasing our annual SPF egg output by 30-40%, depending on the production cycle.

2020: Az állategészségügyi diagnosztikai laboratórium megkapta a GLP és az ISO17025 szabvány szerinti minősítést

2021- : Development of existing activities and new directions for development

  • Renovation of the former stable building at the site in Bár, together with the development of new BSL-2 stock rooms and the installation of isolators.
  • Construction of a unit for the heat treatment of feed at the SPF plant in Bóly
  • Conversion of the site-specific vaccine-production unit to create a clean-room site suitable for manufacturing active materials and biological materials.
  • Launch of a proprietary R&D project for the production and efficacy of an IgY antibody produced against the SARS-CoV2 antigen, isolated from eggs

2021- : Development of existing activities and new directions for development

  • Renovation of the former stable building at the site in Bár, together with the development of new BSL-2 stock rooms and the installation of isolators.
  • Construction of a unit for the heat treatment of feed at the SPF plant in Bóly
  • A telepspecifikus oltóanyag termelő egység átalakítása
  • Conversion of the site-specific vaccine-production unit to create a clean-room site suitable for manufacturing active materials and biological materials.
  • Launch of a proprietary R&D project for the production and efficacy of an IgY antibody produced against the SARS-CoV2 antigen, isolated from eggs