our facilities

Conventional animal houses

In conventional animal houses, animals are kept in conditions similar to those in large-scale livestock farming. These animal housing units are available over a large surface area.

We have a total of 1500 m2 of livestock-keeping units of this type at the Bár site and 1300 m2 at the Dunaszekcső site.

The isolation of the buildings and the compartmentalisation of the rooms allow for the housing of a large number of test groups under the same conditions and the simultaneous housing of herds of different origins. The technology of each animal housing unit is always adapted to the species of animal being tested and the needs of the test.

The animal housing areas are suitable for poultry, rabbits, swine, and small and large ruminants.

Conventional animal houses

In conventional animal houses, animals are kept in conditions similar to those in large-scale livestock farming. These animal housing units are available over a large surface area.

We have a total of 1500 m2 of livestock-keeping units of this type at the Bár site and 1300 m2 at the Dunaszekcső site.

The isolation of the buildings and the compartmentalisation of the rooms allow for the housing of a large number of test groups under the same conditions and the simultaneous housing of herds of different origins. The technology of each animal housing unit is always adapted to the species of animal being tested and the needs of the test.

The animal housing areas are suitable for poultry, rabbits, swine, and small and large ruminants.

BSL-2 type animal houses

We also have BSL-2 biosecurity level animal houses equipped with a unique black and white changing room system, shower, autoclave, and filtration facilities.

The animal houses are suitable for poultry, rabbits, swine, and small ruminants. The animal housing technology is flexibly adjustable to the needs of the species, breed, utilisation, production cycle, or specific study.

BSL-2 type animal houses

We also have BSL-2 biosecurity level animal houses equipped with a unique black and white changing room system, shower, autoclave, and filtration facilities.

The animal houses are suitable for poultry, rabbits, swine, and small ruminants. The animal housing technology is flexibly adjustable to the needs of the species, breed, utilisation, production cycle, or specific study.

FAPP/SPF type animal houses

We also operate animal houses providing SPF conditions, where we maintain HEPA filtered air and continuous positive pressure (Filtered Air Positive Pressure: FAPP). SPF animal houses are equipped with an autoclave system, black and white changing rooms, and showers. The design of the internal surfaces allows the application of strict disinfection procedures, which, together with the technical conditions, ensure SPF conditions.

FAPP/SPF type animal houses

We also operate animal houses providing SPF conditions, where we maintain HEPA filtered air and continuous positive pressure (Filtered Air Positive Pressure: FAPP). SPF animal houses are equipped with an autoclave system, black and white changing rooms, and showers. The design of the internal surfaces allows the application of strict disinfection procedures, which, together with the technical conditions, ensure SPF conditions.

BSL-3 type animal houses

A BSL-3 állatházat 2011-ben létesítettük azzal a céllal, hogy olyan vizsgálatokat is el tudjunk végezni, melyekben BSL-3-as besorolású kórokozókkal, vagy egyéb szempontból BSL-3 izoláltságot igénylő vizsgálati anyaggal kell dolgoznunk. A létesítményben az állatok befogadására négy teljesen elkülönített, előtérrel és kezelőtérrel kiegészített állattér áll rendelkezésünkre. Minden egység állattartásra alkalmas alapterülete 16 m2. 

The interior design fully complies with the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories" (5th Edition) guidelines for activities involving pathogens of veterinary significance.

The design and technological supply systems of the unit, as well as the back-up systems, provide reassurance that biosecurity requirements can be met at all times. Ensuring a high level of animal welfare is an important part of our company's principles, taking into account that animals are not in their natural environment. For this reason, the facility is designed to comply fully both with legal requirements and with professional guidelines.

BSL-3 type animal houses

The BSL-3 animal house was established in 2011 to enable us to perform tests involving BSL-3 priority pathogens or other test material requiring BSL-3 isolation. The facility has four fully segregated animal enclosures for the housing of animals, each equipped with a vestibule and a handling area. Each unit has a floor area of 16 m2 dedicated to animal housing, either in a deep-litter, grid floor, battery or cage housing system, depending on the requirements of the test and the breed. 

The interior design fully complies with the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories" (5th Edition) guidelines for activities involving pathogens of veterinary significance.

The design and technological supply systems of the unit, as well as the back-up systems, provide reassurance that biosecurity requirements can be met at all times. Ensuring a high level of animal welfare is an important part of our company's principles, taking into account that animals are not in their natural environment. For this reason, the facility is designed to comply fully both with legal requirements and with professional guidelines.


Az SPF körülményeket biztosító csirke izolátoraink kifejezetten a kis létszámú állatokkal végzett vizsgálatok elhelyezésére alkalmasak. Az izolátorok technológiai kialakításuk révén megfelelőek különböző kórokozókkal történő vizsgálatok befogadására. Minden izolátor hasznos területe 1 m2, also complying with current animal welfare regulations.


Our SPF chicken isolators are specifically designed to accommodate tests with small numbers of animals. Due to their technological design, the isolators are suitable for studies with different pathogens. Each isolator has a usable surface area of 1 m2, also complying with current animal welfare regulations.