SPF egg production

The beginning

The launch and development of SPF egg production at our company was carried out in several stages between 1998 and 2020. We produce SPF eggs as a contractual partner of US-based AVS Bio (formerly Charles River Laboratories, CRL). First, we converted our Sátorhely and then our Olasz livestock farm to SPF egg production. 

The first broods of laying hens were installed in 2000 in Sátorhely and in 2007 in Olasz. We built our site in Bóly in 2019 and 2020 as a greenfield investment, where we started production in 2020.

What is an SPF egg and what is it used for?

SPF eggs are fertile eggs from laying flocks free from all poultry pathogens as defined by the European Pharmacopoeia. 

A mentességet minden állományunk esetén heti rendszereséggel, meghatározott számú és típusú minták vizsgálatával igazolja az amerikai partnerünk, az AVS Bio (korábban Charles River Laboratories), mely a heti eredmények alapján minősíti az állományainkat.

Our SPF egg production is a process that is unique in Central Europe. The SPF eggs we produce are widely used throughout Europe as raw material for the production of veterinary and human vaccines, research and development, and veterinary and human diagnostics.

The beginning

The launch and development of SPF egg production at our company was carried out in several stages between 1998 and 2020. We produce SPF eggs as a contractual partner of US-based Charles River Laboratories (CRL). First, we converted our Sátorhely and then our Olasz livestock farm to SPF egg production. 

The first broods of laying hens were installed in 2000 in Sátorhely and in 2007 in Olasz. We built our site in Bóly in 2019 and 2020 as a greenfield investment, where we started production in 2020.

What is an SPF egg and what is it used for?

SPF eggs are fertile eggs from laying flocks free from all poultry pathogens as defined by the European Pharmacopoeia. 

Health checks on all our flocks are carried out weekly by our US partner Charles River Laboratories by testing a specific number and type of samples. CRL grades our flocks on the basis of the weekly results.

Our SPF egg production is a process that is unique in Central Europe. The SPF eggs we produce are widely used throughout Europe as raw material for the production of veterinary and human vaccines, research and development, and veterinary and human diagnostics.

Production process

In order for our flocks to meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia, the poultry are kept in fully isolated, air-filtered and pressurised housing under very strict technological and quality control measures. The eggs produced are continuously collected, processed, pre-hatched and packaged on demand. During processing, fresh eggs are disinfected, rested, and sorted according to specifications. The eggs that meet all quality criteria are then graded by weight.

If our partners request eggs without pre-hatching, they are packaged after grading and stored under the required conditions until delivery. If our partners request pre-hatched eggs, they are placed in a hatchery after grading. At the end of pre-hatching, the eggs are candled, and the embryonated eggs which are at the right stage of viability and development are packaged.

Delivery, quantity and trade

Both the pre-hatched eggs and the eggs packaged without pre-hatching are delivered to our partners throughout Europe in our own specially adapted refrigerated/heated vehicles. The trade of the eggs produced is handled entirely by Charles River Laboratories.

We produce 9-10 million eggs per year, depending on the rotation. We currently work with three light-bodied laying hen genetics that produce high quality eggs with white shells.

Production process

In order for our flocks to meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia, the poultry are kept in fully isolated, air-filtered and pressurised housing under very strict technological and quality control measures. The eggs produced are continuously collected, processed, pre-hatched and packaged on demand. During processing, fresh eggs are disinfected, rested, and sorted according to specifications. The eggs that meet all quality criteria are then graded by weight.

If our partners request eggs without pre-hatching, they are packaged after grading and stored under the required conditions until delivery. If our partners request pre-hatched eggs, they are placed in a hatchery after grading. At the end of pre-hatching, the eggs are candled, and the embryonated eggs which are at the right stage of viability and development are packaged.

Delivery, quantity and trade

Mind az előkeltetett, mind pedig az előkeltetés nélkül csomagolt tojásokat saját, speciálisan átalakított, hűthető/fűthető gépjárművekkel szállítjuk ki partnereink részére Európa egész területén. A megtermelt tojások kereskedelmével teljes egészében az amerikai AVS Bio (korábban Charles River Laboratories) vállalat foglalkozik.

We produce 9-10 million eggs per year, depending on the rotation. We currently work with three light-bodied laying hen genetics that produce high quality eggs with white shells.

the spf egg

SPF eggs are fertile eggs from a brood of laying hens, free from all poultry pathogens as defined in the European Pharmacopoeia

CRL - PROPHYL cooperation

More than 20 years of working together with our US partner has resulted in a close relationship that helps both our company and the US side to continuously develop and cooperate with each other. 

They provide us with SPF-status breeding eggs for our breeding stocks, continuously certify our stocks, and arrange sales to users. The fact that they are free of pathogens is verified for all our stocks on a weekly basis by having a certain number and type of samples tested in the CRL laboratories in the US.

AVS Bio - PROPHYL együttműködés

More than 20 years of working together with our US partner has resulted in a close relationship that helps both our company and the US side to continuously develop and cooperate with each other. 

Ők biztosítják számunkra az utánpótlás állományokhoz az SPF státuszú tenyésztojást, folyamatosan minősítik állományainkat és gondoskodnak a felhasználók részére történő értékesítésről. A mentességet minden állományunk esetén heti rendszereséggel, meghatározott számú és típusú minták vizsgálatával igazolják az AVS Bio amerikai laboratóriumaiban.

To ensure this throughout the life cycle of the stock, very specific husbandry conditions have to be maintained, requiring a high level of technology and quality assurance, specialised expertise, increased disease control and exceptional staff attention


Our users are various vaccine-producing multinational companies, diagnostic institutes and research laboratories, where our eggs are mainly used for the production of human and veterinary vaccines.

Our eggs are the source of vaccines used worldwide against yellow fever, influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, and many poultry diseases, but the tissue originating from SPF eggs is also used to produce preparations for the treatment of certain cancers.


Our users are various vaccine-producing multinational companies, diagnostic institutes and research laboratories, where our eggs are mainly used for the production of human and veterinary vaccines.

Our eggs are the source of vaccines used worldwide against yellow fever, influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, and many poultry diseases, but the tissue originating from SPF eggs is also used to produce preparations for the treatment of certain cancers.